Release Date: March 9th 2015
Publisher: Ghost Girl Publishing
Ana’s world is falling apart. What she thought were dreams start entering her waking life. Eerie shadows hunt her. Her dream guy becomes reality. And strange new abilities begin developing. Ana is becoming something other.She is determined to find answers, but where to turn? Her mom and best friend are keeping secrets. Her older sister is dead and exists only in her dreams. And her younger sister thinks they are goddesses.Above all else, dark forces will stop at nothing to crush Ana – to keep her from restoring balance. To keep her from…becoming.Is love and blood and sisterhood enough to stop the dark secrets and power from destroying her? - Goodreads
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Live in reality. Play on the other side.
Debra Kristi is a paranormal and fantasy writer. She lives in Southern California with her husband, two children and and three schizophrenic cats. She’s a full-time kid chaser, video game maker's wife, and muse prompted writer. Unlike the characters she often writes, she is not immortal and her only super power is letting the dishes and laundry pile up. When not writing, Debra is hanging out creating priceless memories with her family, geeking out to science fiction and fantasy television, and tossing around movie quotes.
“She writes because the dead girl told her to.”
Tell us about your latest book.
What happens when a high-school senior discovers everything she knows about her life is a lie? As Ana Janssen’s true nature blossoms, the secrets and deceptions she’s lived under begin to fracture, sparking her quest for the truth. An outcast at school, she’ll need to rise to her calling―her destiny―and learn what it means to become the Balance Bringer. She’ll need to find a way to accept her new found responsibility, step away from the life she’s always known, and allow the becoming. Can she stay the course without getting distracted by life events, or worse yet, guys?
How do you develop your characters?
Interestingly enough, I talk to them, interview them, and get to know them through their backstories. It’s through this process that a visual begins to take form. In Ana’s case, I started a daily journal where she wrote down her thoughts regarding daily events that took place a couple of years prior to the start of her story. For Ryland, Jaden, and Dohlan, I worked out their lineage and early year experiences, all major points that went into making them the individuals they are in the first book of The Balance Bringer Chronicles.
Are your characters based on real people?
Yes and no. A few of them are based on real individuals and then tweaked and had different life experiences added. Since experiences help make a person, adding or taking away major events in one’s life helps shape any one character more precisely, thereby drawing them away from the original mold. Some of my characters are purely fiction, a creation of life events, morals, values, religious beliefs, faults and strengths put to work. Can you tell from reading the story which characters are which?
Did you always intend for Skylar to be "unlikable" in the beginning or did she just come out that way?
Skylar was always intended to be that individual starving for attention. We see her existing in a world of mirrors, where she sees herself at the center of everything. Her actions make her unlikable, but deep down she’s just another broken soul striving to find herself and her happy path.
What has been the most challenging part of this whole process and how did you overcome it?
I’d have to say, believing in myself and my story telling ability. Sure, I’ve taken plenty of writer courses and workshops but it doesn’t stop doubt from creeping in. Learning is a marvelous thing, yet it can only take you so far without a natural talent for creating an engaging story.
What did you learn along the way? Anything you wish someone had told you? Any advice for aspiring authors?
I learned that writing isn’t always fun. A dedication is required, the result, writing even when you don’t feel like writing. It’s work. It’s stressful, even painful, but rewarding if you stick with the process. The best advice I have for aspiring authors is the same advice you’ve heard time and time again. Write, write, and write some more. You’ll only get better and gain confidence in your ability, the more words you add to your résumé.
Where did the idea for the book come from?
That’s a difficult question to answer. One day the story simply started writing itself. In the beginning it was extremely different from what it is today, but it clearly had a life of its own. Day after day, year after year, it kept talking to me, developing characters and adding to the storyline. Things I did, places I went influenced parts of plot, and it was obvious it was neither going away nor allowing me to ignore it, so eventually I had to bring it to fruition.
Who and what inspire you to write?
My sister was the one who inspired me to write. Believe it or not, the inspiration came after her death and spilled onto the page. My pseudonym is a combination of my name and her name together.
Each author has his or her own inspiring journey. How did you begin writing?
You’ve probably heard similar stories before. My characters started chatting in my head and wouldn’t shut up until I wrote their story. That was before my son was born, he’s almost fourteen now. I was so green back then and had no idea if I could write or if it was something I even wanted to do. I decided to enroll in a correspondence writing course and got promising feedback. But then the kids came along and everything came to a screeching halt for several years. When my youngest was old enough to allow me a few hours of extra time, the characters started right back up where they’d left off. Things began rolling like a snowball downhill after that. I sat through a local writer’s workshop, found twitter, ended up in a blogger’s course, became a member of RWA, so on and so forth, and many years later I ended up here―a much better writer and storyteller.
What has been the most pleasant surprise about writing? How about an unexpected down side?
The biggest surprise: My stories don’t suck, and can’t get enough writing time. When I was young, I never envisioned myself as a writer, yet here I am! The downside: my house looks like a hurricane aftermath crisis zone and my refrigerator is almost always in need of stocking.
Do you write your books in order?
Yes and no. I generally write my actual books in order. Although I may drop back and write a prequel later (as I have planned for this series). If you are referring to the chapters, I have been known to skip a chapter or scene and come back to it later when my muse doesn’t need to be forced and things flow more organically.
What advice would you give writers who aspire to be published?
Write. Every day, write. Learn your craft, network, and set up a platform. Today’s publishing world is far different than it was five, even two years ago. There are so many more options open to you. Make sure you approach the venture as a business and don’t rush. Get critique partners, beta readers, and don’t forgo the editors: content, line, and copy. They will make all the difference in the end.
Thanks for another fantastic interview, it’s been a pleasure. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate you helping me get the word out about Becoming: The Balance Bringer by sharing a bit of space on your blog. Big thanks to the readers, as well. You are the reason we do what we do!
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