Today's post is about 10 ways in how we can save money when we're on our book buying spreeds.
I putted together some piece of simple advice to help you read more and pay less!
- Buy books on sale;
- Have membership cards of the places where you usually buy books;
- Buy books online;
- Buy only the books you really want (if you're like me and you want all the books come and join the broke book buyers club);
- Buy paperbacks instead of hardcovers;
- Order books from websites where you don't have to pay for transportation;
- Make a list of books you want to read and buy only the books on the list;
- Search the bookstores near you and see wich one has the lowest prices;
- Buy used books;
- Buy books in bookfairs and secondhand stores.
I hope you find this tips usefull and helpfull!
Love, Ana