Lisbon Book Fair - My Book Fair Essentials

The first of June marked the first day of the 87th Lisbon Book Fair! Since it is one of my favourite events of the year I'm going to try to write some posts about it. Unfortunately, this time, since I am now studying at University it occurs side by side with finals. I know, I know, it is bad and sad but what can a girl do?
The first Lisbon Book Fair was in May 1930 and since then it is held annually in the city of Lisbon (Portugal). It is managed and planned by the Associação Portuguesa de Editores e Livreiros (Portuguese Association of Editors and Book Sellers). Most of the books in this fair are in Portuguese but there are many publications in English and other languages distributed along the fair.
Resultado de imagem para feira do livro lisboa 2017

In this post, I am going to talk about what are my essentials for when I go to this fair. I think one of the main things to have in mind when going to this fair is that it is in a garden (Parque Eduardo VII) so you have to dress weather appropriate. Currently, in Portugal it is very sunny with some light wind so I have to be careful, also it might rain so a water resistant jacket that folds itself to almost nothing is useful (Decathlon is amazing).
If you are trying to produce less waste like me then something you definitely have to bring is some kind of tote or backpack to carry all of your amazing purchases. With this trick, you won't have to take those awful plastic bags  - that often break with the weight of the books - and you will be saving the planet!

One thing you should always remember is to look for coupons and discounts. You can search on the internet or on the Sunday paper. Having this little pieces of paper with you might be really helpful since you will be able to pay (a lot) less for much more books.
Also, do not forget to bring a backpack to take all of your things with you! Even when you have a canvas shoulder bag the books are really heavy. It is better for you back and your shoulders if you carry them in a sturdy backpack (you can thank me later).

Some things that I always carry in my backpack to this book fair are:

  1. tissues: you never know when you might need to blow your nose or clean your mouth after eating.
  2. a notebook: notebooks are amazing, you can not only take notes but also write your thoughts and plans - and maybe your spending budget - so I always make sure to carry one.
  3. a water bottle: do not forget to stay hydrated. Not only because of your skin but water is the main part of our body and we need to replenish it. Besides, if you are going to walk around all day - or afternoon - in the Sun you will want to drink water.
  4. my wallet: if I am going shopping I need my wallet, besides I always carry my I.D. and my student card. 
  5. a pen: carrying a notebook without a pen does not really make sense, so make sure to carry both.
  6. my sunglasses (in their case): even having dark coloured eyes it is very important to use your sunglasses. They will protect your eyes and make you more comfortable throughout the day. 
  7. some baby wipes: we humans are dirty people so make sure so carry baby wipes, even if it is just so you won't have to use public water paper to clean yourself. Besides baby wipes, I also try to carry disinfectant. After riding the underground and the train you'll want to clean your hands or even just before eating something.
  8. some sunscreen: we have to protect our skin! So it is very important to put on sunscreen at least every 6 hours. This my Ávene sunscreen that is specific for acne prone skin.
Besides my backpack essentials and the coupons and discounts, I always make a plan of the books I really need to buy. This is how I organise them in my Word document:

  1. the cover: it will be easier for the person on the store to find a specific edition of a book if you provide a cover.
  2. the title and the author: obviously this is an essential so you won't get lost in your thoughts and forget the actual name of what you need.
  3. the publisher: in Lisbon, the fair is divided by publishers and independent bookstores so having the publishers name lets you know where you need to go.
  4. the normal price: usually all the prices of books on book fairs are lower than normal but it never hurts to check. Always check the real price of the book, you might be able to purchase it at a lower price with your store credit.
I hope you liked my tips and tricks on what to bring to a book fair! I'll try to post more things like this one. 
Love, Ana

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