Hello guys! As I was watching The Book Hoarder's Coffe Book Tag she said she tagged everyone who wanted to do it, so I thought it would make a nice post!
So here's my Coffee Book Tag!
Percy Jackson an the Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan
Lady Midnight by Cassandra Clare
The Girl On The Train by Paula Hawkins
6. That hipster coffee shop: Give a book by an indie author a shoutout
Under Different Stars by Amy A. Bartol
The Fault In Our Stars by John Green
Honestly I can't remember one but since I cannot do it I'll recommend you one of the best series I have ever read: The All Souls Trilogy by Deborah Harkness.
Here's the "The Book Hoarder" video:
So here's my Coffee Book Tag!
1. Black: Name a series that's tough to get into but has hardcore fans.
A Song of Ice and Fire (a.k.a. Game of Thrones) by George R.R. Martin
Even if I'm already into this series fan base I have to recognize that it's a though one to get into. The first book is a tid bit intimidating and discourages lots of people, one example of this is my father.
Some time after I started reading the books and passing the days trying to convince my family to read them my dad finally sucumbed and asked me to read the first book (in my country the series is divided into ten books). I was extremely happy to lend it to him, in my head I was finally going to have a fan partner to whom I could talk about the series with (this was before the TV show).
A week after I had lent him the book my father calls me and asks "Why are all these people dying? *SPOILER* was my favorite!" after that he started to ask me about the fate of some characthers and I started saying things like "burnt to death", "decapitated", etc... After sometime he turns to me, hands me the book and says "I'm sorry but I give up!".
This event made me realize that this series (the books, not the series) is only for dedicated and brave fans who can stand high quantities of death, torture, suspence and things not going our way.
2. Peppermint mocha: Name a book that gets more popular during the winter or a festive time of year.
My True Love Gave to Me curated by Stephanie Perkins
When the weather gets cold and Christmas is at the door this book starts flying of the shelves and, even if still haven't read it, it's still a very big wish of mine to do it. What's better than a cozy romantic book for a cozy time like Christmas and winter?
3. Hot chocolate: What is your favorite children's book?

Children often need good examples in order to behave well or someone who understands them and does all the things they cannot do in order to allow them to dream bigger. Percy is just that. He teaches children about good and evil, Greek myths and the true meaning of friendship and love. This is all done while they experience a mind blowing age appropriate tale that they can really enjoy, not even knowing what they're learning.
4. Double shot of espresso: Name a book that kept you on the edge of your seat from start to finish.

I don't know why but since I read The Mortal Instruments series for the first time this author has grabbed my heart and soul and almost everything she writes grabs my focus immediately. This book made me love, hate and suffer like no other had before and the ending... oh, the ending!
5. Starbucks: Name a book you see everywhere.

This book is literaly everywhere (even on my shelves)! Since it came out it has been a sales success and is always on the bestsellers self on my local bookshop. I still haven't read it and, to be honest, I have very low expectations for this book.
6. That hipster coffee shop: Give a book by an indie author a shoutout

I absolutely love this series! This book swept me of my feet and I have to tell you that it's beautifully writen and that I think that it's highly undervalued.
Kricket Hollowell is normally not one to wish upon stars; she believes they’re rarely in her favor. Well versed at dodging caseworkers from Chicago’s foster care system, the past few years on her own have made Kricket an expert at the art of survival and blending in. With her 18th birthday fast approaching, she dreams of the day when she can stop running and find what her heart needs most: a home.
Trey Allairis hates Earth and doubts that anyone from his world can thrive here. What he’s learning of Kricket and her existence away from her true home only confirms his theory. But, when he and Kricket lie together under the stars of Ethar, counting them all may be easier than letting her go.
Kyon Ensin’s secrets number the stars; he knows more about Kricket's gifts than anyone and plans to possess her because of them. He also knows she’s more valuable than any fire in the night sky. He’ll move the heavens and align them all in order to make her his own.
When everything in their world can be broken, will Kricket rely upon love to save her under different stars?
Here's my review of the book: Under Different Stars by Amy A. Bartol
7. Oops! I accidentally got decaf: Name a book you were expecting more from.

Don't get me wrong I liked this book and I actually ejoyed reading it! Still, I have to admit that I had very high expectations for it and they were not met.
8. The perfect blend: Name a book or series that was both bitter and sweet but ultimately satisfying.

Here's the summary of the first book:
Deep in the stacks of Oxford's Bodleian Library, young scholar Diana Bishop unwittingly calls up a bewitched alchemical manuscript in the course of her research. Descended from an old and distinguished line of witches, Diana wants nothing to do with sorcery; so after a furtive glance and a few notes, she banishes the book to the stacks. But her discovery sets a fantastical underworld stirring, and a horde of daemons, witches, and vampires soon descends upon the library. Diana has stumbled upon a coveted treasure lost for centuries-and she is the only creature who can break its spell.
I tag all of you who are reading this that to do it!
Love, Ana
Here's the "The Book Hoarder" video:
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