The Reader Diaries #14: Camping and Smiling

Hi guys! It feels like I have not talked to you in a long long time. I like to write these little and personal posts about a bit of my life, struggles and successes. Maybe lately I am not writing as much of these posts as I should.
I hate to tell you this but this is a pre-written post - as I am writing this it is the 30th of June, in the early hours of the morning. Today I am going away for a week and I won't have access to internet, computers and hardly my phone. As you may know, if you have been following me for some time, I am a scout. This year is the year of the "23rd CNE’S NATIONAL SCOUT JAMBOREE" - CNE stands for "Corpo Nacional de Escutas" (roughly translates to "National Scouts Body") - and I am going. I am really happy to go and I know that the experiences I am going to live will be unique and amazing.
Resultado de imagem para acanac 2017 logo
ACANAC is the Portuguese name for the event.

This week has been a rollercoaster of getting things ready, buying supplies, loading trucks and packing bags. This is the kind of week when I am most thankful for audiobooks and positivity. Besides all of this craziness this week I have passed my theoric driving test and I have received my final grade on a subject that I took an exam on in order to raise my grade and I went from a 10 to a 16 (the span is from 0 to 20). So it has been kind of a happy week.
Right this minute I have finally put everything away and I am in my pyjamas in bed. I cannot sleep. I am anxious, excited, thrilled and scared at the same time. I already know that I will be spending three days on a walk only with my other three scouts friends that are going with me. I really miss being out, enjoying nature. What I do not miss is sweating and having muscle pains.
I am sneakily taking a book with me to read on the bus ride (I really should not since my bag is already filled to the brink and very very heavy). I am also hopeful that I'll be able to read when I have some down time (if I have some down time). Well, I have to think happy thoughts, this will be a very good week in terms of the path to achieve my fitness goals.
In other news, I have created an Instagram account for this blog. It doesn't have a lot of content but I believe that with time I'll get there. You can also get a glimpse of my life in the Stories! I'll leave you two photos I have taken below (I know they're not centered but I cannot for the life of me figure out how to do that).

Uma publicação partilhada por The Bewitched Reader (@thebewitchedreader) a

Please follow and leave some feedback! For an added bonus here are some snippets of this week:

Translation: "My bed was invaded"
This is my cat "Fofa" (which literally means "soft") she is very cute and fluffy.

Here is the mess I made and my packed bags.
Thank you for going along with me on this journey that is life!
Love, Ana☼

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