Review: Flintlock (Cutlass #2) by Ashley Nixon

22888980Author: Ashley Nixon 
Publisher: StarSeed Press
Publication Date: April 2015
Source: ebook (given by Netgalley)


Barren Reed hopes to protect the Orient from his tyrant uncle, but his plans to make the King’s life a living hell aren’t supported by the Elders of the pirate community. As it stands, Barren has earned the Elders’ disdain for his carelessness, and they threaten him into exile if he makes one more mistake.
Barren’s not the only one feeling the Elders’ wrath—they don’t trust Larkin either. Worse, Barren can’t comprehend Larkin’s wish to have a relationship with her father, and the secrets she’s forced to keep create a tension that may pull them apart forever.
When the Pirates of Silver Crest begin to die, bullets laced with dark magic are to blame. With more and more of these weapons infiltrating the Underground, discovering who’s behind the dissemination is no easy feat. As fear and tension mount among the people of the Orient, Barren and his crew find themselves in a race against time to stop the spread of dark magic before the world of Mariana spirals into collapse.

*The publisher provided this book in exchange for an honest review through NetGalley.*
Barren Reed wants to protect the Orient from his tyrant uncle's claws and influence but the Pirate Elders will not let him go along with his carefully crafted plan. As if that wasn't enough he has earned their disdain because of his carelessness and if he commits one more mistake they'll exile him.
Barren isn't the only one who is in trouble with the Elders, they also don't like or trust Larkin. Even worse Barren can't understand why would Larkin want to maintain a relationship with her father, knowing how bad of a person he really is.
When the Pirates of Silver Crest begin to die due to injuries made by bullets laced with dark magic, Lakin and Barren embark on a journey to discover what's going on on the Orient in order to try and protect its people and themselves.
The first thing I have to say is that I wasn't expecting anything that happened in this book, it was quirky, fast-paced, amazing and really really addicting. I have a soft spot for sexy and sweet pirates and I love that I finally found a book that talks about them without unnecessary "sexy situations".
One of the things that stood out the most for me was Larkin finally starting to rise to her full potential and starting to realise that there is more to her than people think. The love scenery was really sweet and heartbreaking and I have to say that the ending was a bomb, a really big bomb (in an amazing way).
I can't wait to read the next instalment in this series and I hope these books keep getting better and better because I really want to know not only what will happen to Barren and Larkin but also to the rest of the Orient.

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1 comment

  1. Thank you so much for your sweet review, Ana! I really appreciate it!
