Happy new year guys! I am sorry that I've been away for awhile, university has been crazy and I have not had time to think and even less time to read books that aren't in my units reading list. I will admit that I have missed blogging terribly and that when my exams end I will dedicate a time to create more content for you.
With all of this, Christmas and the New Year have passed, I have spent some time with my family, ate more sugar than I should, catched a terrible cold and studied lots. We all know how stressful school can be and right now I am trying to apply to Erasmus+, and student exchange programme within the European Union, so please, I beg you, pray for my sanity.
I know this is going to be a great year, not only for me but also for everyone. This year I am going to try to be less lazy and to manage my time better. I also want to create quality content, even if o not post a lot, I rather post quality content than post a lot but post low quality content. I also want to commit to improve my italian, it is one of the hardest languages I have ever learned and to help that I want to read more books from Italian authors and in their original language.
Do not be discouraged, things will get better, the sun will shine another day and the bad times will give way to better ones. When you find yourself in the dark, try to find the littlest spot of light, it will shine more brightly than you think.
I hope to get back to you soon with a review and a Christmas book haul (even if it is late it is coming for you). Do not forget that I love you all!
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